Friday, December 03, 2004

apparently some people like to post serious things on their blogs. apparently some people find it cathartic. apparently i am not one of those people, unless being so absorbed in self-pity that i am bloated to the size of a (yes, i am going to say it) beached whale. ha! i can't take this kind of worthless diddling. i vote, (since no one is listening it will be easy to win) that all my posthumous works be published under my pseudonym, Bjorn Henrikkson, so that they can never be linked with my diminutive frame and neurotic internet meanderings. meanwhile, does anyone else have a strange fascination with male singers that sound like girls? making your voice get up that high without the use of a pitch-shifter is serious business. one day it will be me. i have a few octaves to stretch out of my vocal chords though. i also vote that my epitaph read so long, suckers and that my eulogy be read by a diminutive history teacher named garcia. any opposed? no? well, then all motions pass unanimously, dammit!

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