Saturday, February 05, 2005

the inscape booth

so k and i just finished rocking out at the buth for a week straight. i hope some more byuers know about the old Inscape publication now. cross your fingers and wish for good submissions. you might also want to wish that some of the staff members grow an ear (or an eye) for good lit and start loving my stories that i give to them. or maybe my stories just suck and i'm deluded. oh well. cheers to the buth! N-SCA-PAY 4-EVER!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Steve, just admit that you are secretly a poet. Actually, I did like your story more than I was able to express -- I'm sorry that we didn't spend more time on it at April...we should re-read it.

PS. We rocked the buth. The AASU didn't know what a buth was till we showed em. Oh, we showed em.