Thursday, February 17, 2005

the slowest post ever

if this stupid blog could load pages any slower, it would. right now i am sporting a battlestar galactica bracelet courtesy of the LTEU symposium that i was forced to go to for class. well, at least i came of with free booty, otherwise known as cool stuff, aka my bracelet. plus i got to hear the man himself, jerry pournelle, talk about the role of science in science fiction. in a few words, he said: a good science fiction novel = few assumptions made. in other words, less fake scientific concepts thrown at you. to translate that into a concept more understandable to those of us on the super-secret subcommittee for the distibution of graphically vulgar flyers, he means simply that the new wave of science fiction is obsessed with techno-porn. i would like to have made that phrase up, but i am not that lucky. jerry beat me to it. damn him. techno-porn is an adult theme, said jerry, and adult themes sell better than juvenile ones. except that doesn't make them any more real, does it jerry? he got into the industry when there wasn't any money in it, but his bestselling novel made "a hell of a lot more" according to the venerable jerry. i didn't ask him the pertinent "more than what" question for fear that the answer might be more graphic than i could stomach. after all, i was halfway through my swiss cheese and honey ham sandwich, and i didn't want dangerously sexy robots disturbing my lunch. i assume that sexy robots would be a huge part of techno-porn, but then, i wouldn't really know. you'll have to ask jerry yourself for that answer. well, i'm off, but let this be a lesson to you: if you think that your writing is no good, just insert some blank-porn, and you'll be a bestseller overnight. the possibilities are endless: gamma-ray-porn, cspan-porn, magnetic-porn, blender and microwave... you get the idea. see you on the bestseller list.


editorgirl said...

I missed that? Damn.

Kristen said...

blender porn...just what I always wanted.

Kristen said...

Steve-- Good luck tomorrow, I think you're gonna be great.