Thursday, June 09, 2005

for trent

i am going to miss you, trent. you knew how to live your life, and i'm sure you still do. alive--the glory and disproportionate unabashed reveling that was yours--you knew how to really live. myself, i'm just a corner hermit, coming out into the light occasionally, mostly because you coaxed me. and maybe i am prone to exaggerate, but no one will care if i do so in memory of you. hey, remember me up there in the great beyond. i haven't forgotten you down here in the mediocre right-now. don't worry about us down here, we can make it, as long as we remember to live. i know you read over my shoulder the poetry i won't show anyone else, the stories i deem unfit for human consumption. maybe you could drop me a note sometime and let me know how i am doing. i'll see you when i get there, someday. i am going to miss you, trent. i love you.

--in memory of trent--


alex said...

Anonymous said...

The driver looked down, as he drove safely off the bridge, and shook his head at the swirl of water that rushed and eddied, dark and muddy, close up under the rotten planking; then he cracked his whip, and the horses sturdily attacked the little hill.. I sold dem mules for three hundred dollars.. But its further progress is now checked through the dormant state of the foreconscious; this system has apparently protected itself against invasion by diminishing its excitements.. She cooked their breakfast, but he served her with an elaborate gallantry, putting forward all his new and foreign graces, garnishing his speech with imposing polysyllables, casting about their picnic breakfast a radiant aura of grandeur borrowed from the recent days of his fame.. The details that at the end of the first shaft there is a longer platform and then a new shaft, he himself explains biographically.. If, however, I continue the analysis for myself, without regard to those others, for whom, indeed, so personal an event as my dream cannot matter, I arrive finally at ideas which surprise me, which I have not known to be mine, which not only appear foreign to me, but which are unpleasant , and which I would like to oppose vehemently, whilst the chain of ideas running through the analysis intrudes upon me inexorably.. A trait, after the manner of the find in the Lido, forces itself upon me here. I won't go down to breakfast if you are.. Aleck!--you Aleck-k-k! A black boy darted round the corner, from behind which, with several others, he had beheld the brief but stirring scene.. But I can indicate the important event which has as its substitute the trivial one.. sensory organ on the mobile quantity, is demonstrated in the teleological connection by nothing more clearly than by the creation of a new series of qualities and consequently a new regulation which constitutes the precedence of man over the animals.. In condensation we have already considered the case where two conceptions in the dream having something in common, some point of contact, are replaced in the dream content by a mixed image, where the distinct germ corresponds to what is common, and the indistinct secondary modifications to what is distinctive.. The Major drew a small envelope from his upper vest pocket and tossed it on the table.. In relation to this he remarked that the Gradus is only a stairway, and that the piano itself is only a stairway as it has a scale.. She had informed him, however, that at present he was accustomed to drive a big black horse which, in her opinion, was as gentle and reliable as these animals ever became, and she could not imagine how anybody could be afraid of him.. It was not always easy to decide just where the pursuit should be discontinued.. Miss Lydia was a plump, little old maid of thirty-five, with smoothly drawn, tightly twisted hair that made her look still older.. He was sated; his soul longed to wipe a spiritual mouth on the back of a spiritual hand, and have done.. And I've been telling him what an everlasting big show he had to take stock in the Capitoline Trust Company--starts next month--four million capital--I told you all about it.. After the coachman had rung several times, an Irish girl opened the door, cautiously (as Irish girls always do), and admitted them into the entry, where one light only was burning in a branch lamp...

alex said...

Caught, by gravy! ejaculated the driver, and, for the second time, he brought the coach to an abrupt stop.. Henry BARGAIN DAY AT TUTT HOUSE (1905) George Randolph Chester A CALL (1906) Grace MacGowan Cooke HOW THE WIDOW WON THE DEACON (1911) William James Lampton GIDEON (1914) Wells Hastings ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The Nice People , by Henry Cuyler Bunner, is republished from his volume, Short Sixes , by permission of its publishers, Charles Scribner's Sons...