Saturday, December 18, 2004

17 page blockbuster epic

i've done it. i turned in my big english paper, in which i cited my fellow unpublished peers. it was brilliant. let me just cite a few pre-debut rave reviews from those who caught the special preview:

it's brilliant. - editorgirl

I read your paper and I think that it's really great. - special k

of course i bask in such lush, lengthy, and extravagant praise. but what can i say? i'm now calling it my 17 page blockbuster epic. so i dropped off the paper at my professor's office and the exchange went like this:

me: are you ready for this?

prof: should i be ready for it?

me: uh, yeah, i think so. i even made a vanity copy for myself.

prof: oh, it's that good.

me: well, yeah, i think it is.

so leaving him with that oh-so confident exchange, i marched off to the slaughterhouse, a.k.a. the testing center, where i sweated for a few hours filling in little circles with my no. 2 pencil. at least i was shoulder to shoulder with a few hundred other students. i could just feel their humanity. or maybe that was their nervous perspiration making the air humid. anyway, the paper is in, and the results will be back by friday. i am confident. who could resist a paper on anne sexton? i bet her short black hair made her one of the hottest poetry-writing mothers on the block.


Aaron Allen said...

My good man, may minnesota bring you much energy, and may your paper of brilliance bring you years of academic confidence. I am proud to have played a miniscule role in it.

Kristen said...

Um, has A.A. (he he) always sounded like a cross between a Zen saying and the most recent Ensign? Oh, yep he has. :) Have a merry Christmas too. I want to know what Hickman said about your paper when all's said and done, ite?
Miss K.

editorgirl said...

Your paper was brilliant, my friend, but I'm afraid the best statement on this post is K's comment re: AA. Amen sister.